Saturday 1.5.2019

*Reminder: Saturday Classes are now 8:30am and 9:30am!


In teams of three, complete five rounds each for time of:Row 500 Meters15 Thrusters (95/65 lb)15 Pull-upsEach team member will start at a different station and may not rotate to the next station until all team members have completed their reps/row. Thruster weight and Pull-ups can be scaled up or down, but aim to finish in under 90 seconds.


Class workout+100ft OH yoke100ft sled pull100ft sled push100ft sandbag carryx3 for max weight


1 Minute Bike or Run @70%1 Minute Bike or Run @85%1 Minute Bike or Run Easyx 7-10 sets


Monday 1.7.2019


Friday 1.4.2019