Wednesday 4.17.2024
*Coach’s Notes: Today is back to Day 1 of our current cycle, so we are revisiting (and building upon) the Tempo Back Squat from last week. Based on how your loading felt then, look to increase the weights here by 2-5%. On the Barbell Bent Over Row, we are switching to a supinated grip, so note how this feels compared to the overhand grip we did last time around.
The two conditioning options are really a FITNESS/PERFORMANCE split, so choose the more appropriate option for you for today.
A. Four working sets of:
Tempo Back Squat x 4 reps @ 33X1
Rest 2 minutes
Be strict on your tempo here! If you were here last week (4.8.2024), try to increase your loading by 2-5%; if you were not, simply aim to make your final two working sets an 8/10 RPE.
B. Three sets of:
Supinated Grip Barbell Bent Over Row x 8-10 reps @ 21X0
Right into...
Band Pull Aparts x 12-15 reps @ 20X0
Rest 90-120 seconds
Perform one warm-up set, then make all of your working sets a 7-8/10 RPE.
C. Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
2 Burpees Over the Dumbbell
4 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
8/6 Calorie Row, Ski, or Bike
*These should be high effort, fast-paced sets; note your time to complete each, and try to push the pace, especially on the Row, Ski, or Bike!
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
2-3 Bar Muscle-Ups or 4-6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
4 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (make these heavy for you)
2 Burpee Box Jumps (30/24")
*Choose a variation and number of Pull-ups that allows you to keep these sets (for the most part) unbroken. Choose a loading on the Dumbbell Snatch is challenging for you (but also, for the most part, unbroken).
Bike Erg
30sec at easy pace,
90sec at moderate pace
45sec at easy pace
75sec at fastish pace
60sec at easy pace
60sec at fast pace
75sec at easy pace
45sec at faster pace
90sec at easy pace
30sec sprint
Rest 3 minutes
x 3 sets