Tuesday 4.16.2024
*Coach’s Notes: Aerobic Testing
The intention of today’s workout is to see how well you can maintain a steady pace over a relatively LONG (at least by our standards) period. We revisit this one periodically, so this one may be familiar to you. If it’s your first time, enjoy, be sure to log your score for next time!
If running is not in the cards, either substitute this portion with the Ski Erg or Bike Erg.
For those that aren’t huge fans of longer conditioning, bear in mind that Wednesday through Friday will look very similar to Monday through Wednesday of last week (so, a lot of strength work ◡̈ ). Just a reminder of the current layout, and what to expect for this week:
Monday (Day 7): Snatch
Tuesday (Day 8): Gymnastics and/or Conditioning
Wednesday (Week 2, Day 1): Back Squat + Upper Pulling
Thursday (Day 2): Push Press + Hinge Accessory
Friday (Day 3): Power Clean + MAP
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 40 minutes of:
400 Meter Run
30 Double-Unders (or 60 Singles)
20/15 Calories of Echo Bike
30 Double-Unders
400 Meter Row
*Track your splits for each round, and set a goal of being as consistent as possible across the entire 40-minute timeframe. The pace that you set for yourself should be something that you could maintain well beyond this time (ie., if you feel like you are dying 10 minutes in, you are going too fast!).
*Compare to (most recently) 3.21.2023
Bike Erg
30sec at easy pace,
90sec at moderate pace
45sec at easy pace
75sec at fastish pace
60sec at easy pace
60sec at fast pace
75sec at easy pace
45sec at faster pace
90sec at easy pace
30sec sprint
Rest 3 minutes
x 3 sets