Monday 9.14.2020


A. Six sets of:Back Squat*Set 1 – 10 reps*Set 2 – 9 reps*Set 3 – 8 reps*Set 4 – 7 reps*Set 5 – 6 reps*Set 6 – 5 repsRest 2 minutes between setsStart out light and build in load every set, making the last 2 sets very challenging (but with great technique).B. Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):10 Wall Balls10 BurpeesThe purpose of these simple, fast-paced intervals is to move as quickly as you possibly can, and to push through the fatigue on the final Burpees of each set. If you are doing this correctly, four sets should feel like more than enough.


A. Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets) of:Back Squat x 3 repsGoal is to make all five sets heavy. The first two sets should be achievable; by the third set, the 3rd rep should be a grind; sets 4 and 5 should be approaching or establishing a new 3-RMB. Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):10 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)10 Burpees to 6" targetThe purpose of these simple, fast-paced intervals is to move as quickly you possibly can, and to push through the fatigue on the final Burpees of each set. Each Burpee must end with a touch to a wall or pull-up bar that is 6" above your standing reach. If you are doing this correctly, four sets should feel like more than enough.


5 minute easy Bike+Bike 60 seconds @85-90% aerobic effortBike 60 seconds @easy effortx 5 rounds (10 minutes)Rest walk 3-5 minutesx 2-3 sets


Tuesday 9.15.2020


Saturday 9.12.2020