Monday 7.24.2017
A. Four sets of:Pause Front Squats x 6 reps @ 31X1Rest 3 minutesAll four sets should be heavy, working sets. Look to start around 60-65% of your 1-RM Front Squat, and build if able. The priority here is maintaining a solid, upright torso throughout.B. Against a 10-minute running clock, complete the following:Row 1000 Metersimmediately followed by…As many rounds and reps as possible of:20 Wall Balls (20/14 lbs)10 Ring Dips
You can find today’s workout here:
30 minute run @conversational pace*Minutes 0-5: Warm-up*Minutes 5-25: Perform a 10 second sprint at the top of each minute, until you've performed a total of 20 sprints*Minutes 25-30: Cooldown