Monday 7.22.2019
A. Three sets of:Turkish Get Up x 2 reps each armRest 45 secondsSupine Ring Rows x 10-12 reps @2111Rest 45 secondsPlank Walk-Ups x 30 seconds (slow and controlled)Rest 45 secondsB. Three sets of:Push Press x 10 repsRest 2 minutesBuild each set, with the goal of making the last 2 reps of each set very challenging.C. In teams of two, switching every 45 seconds, complete as many reps and calories as possible in 6 minutes of:Partner 1: Rowing (for Calories)Partner 2: V-Ups
A. Five sets of:3-Stop Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch from 2″ Below the Knee + Snatch @ 60-70% of 1-RM(pause for 2 seconds each at 2″ off the floor, mid-patella and mid-thigh, then stand it up and descend back to 2″ below the knee and pause for 2 seconds before snatching from there, drop the barbell, set-up properly and perform a full snatch with a 2-second pause in the receiving position)B. Three sets of:Push Press x 10 repsRest 2 minutesBuild each set, with the goal of making the last 2 reps of each set very challenging.C. In teams of two, switching every 45 seconds, complete as many reps and calories as possible in 6 minutes of:Partner 1: Rowing (for Calories)Partner 2: V-Ups
7 Minute Row7 Minute Bike7 Minute Run or Ski(All at 70% effort)+Rest 4 minutes+5 Minute Row5 Minute Bike5 Minute Run or Ski(All at 75% effort)+Rest 3 minutes+3 Minute Row3 Minute Bike3 Minute Run or Ski(All at 80% effort)