Monday 3.4.2024


A. Four sets of:
Front Squat x 5 reps @ 20X1
Rest 30 seconds
Strict Pronated Grip Pull-ups x Max reps @ 20X0 (if using assistance, aim to get 5-10 reps each set)
Rest 90-120 seconds

*Note that the tempo on the Front Squats has changed, and there is no longer a pause in the bottom of each rep. Aim to load all of your working sets at a 7-8/10 RPE, or simply increase the loading from what you used on 2.23.2024.
For beginners to Squatting, or those that need to dial in their technique, subsitute the Front Squats with 8-10 Goblet Squats at the same tempo.

B. Two sets of:
Goblet Cossack Squat x 6-8 reps each leg @ 20X0
Rest 45 seconds
Dumbbell Powell Raise x 8-10 reps each arm @ 20X0
Rest 45 seconds

C. Against a 7-minute clock, complete:
Strict Toes to Bar (or Strict Hanging Knee Raises)
*5 Box Jumps (30/24" -- step down) after each set

Couch Stretch x 40-60 seconds each side
Child's Pose Lat Stretch x 30-40 seconds each side


90 Second Bike @85%
Rest 30 seconds
60 Second Row @90%
Rest 30 seconds
30 Second Ski or Run @95%
Rest 60 seconds
x 5-6 rounds

**note cals for each station, and try to stay as consistent as possible


Tuesday 3.5.2024


Saturday 3.2.2024