Monday 10.17.2016
A. Four sets ofDeadlift x 4-6 reps*Rest 45 secondsTempo Push-ups x 8-12 reps @1111Rest 45 secondsHollow Hold or Rock x 20-30 secondsRest 45 seconds*Build in load, aiming for the last two sets to be very challengingB. Complete 40, 30, and 20 rep rounds for time of:Russian Kettlebell SwingsDumbbell Push Presses*Choose a weight that is challenging, but can be completed in no more than 3 sets in your round of 40. If you never have to put the weight down, you've gone too light.C. Four sets of:Side Plank Left Side x 20 secondsRest 10 secondsSide Plank Right Side x 20 secondsRest 10 seconds
A. Five sets of:Power Clean x 3.2.1Rest 10 seconds between clusters; Rest 2 minutes between sets*Start each set with a heavy "touch-and-go" triple; Rest 10 seconds, then hit the same weight for a double; Rest 10 seconds and finish with a crisp single. Goal is to work at the same or heavier loads than you did on the 2.2.2 clusters on 10.4.2016.B. "Diane"Complete 21, 15, and 9 rep rounds for time of:Deadlifts (225/155 lb)Handstand Push-ups (kipping is allowed)C. Four sets of:Side Plank Left Side x 20 secondsRest 10 secondsSide Plank Right Side x 20 secondsRest 10 seconds
You can find today’s workout here:
2 Minute Assault Bike @55-60/45-50 RPM1 Minute Assault Bike @60-65/50-55 RPM30 Second Assault Bike @65-70/55-60 RPMRest 2 minutesx 5 sets