Monday 1.13.2020
A. Every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes (3 sets of each):Station 1 – Snatch-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 6-8 reps @ 4011Station 2 – Alternating Cossack Squats x 12 reps @ 2111 (use assistance by holding on to an upright, if necessary)Station 3 – Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar x 30-45 secondsStation 4 – L-Sit or Tuck-Sit x 30-40 seconds (accumulated)B. In teams of two, partners alternate complete rounds to complete 5 rounds each of:9 Goblet Squats12 Kettlebell Swings150 Meter SkiIf you don’t have a partner for this session, use a 1:1 Work:Rest ratio and push the intensity during your work period. Use the heaviest Kettlebell you can handle to complete each set unbroken.
A. Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):High Hang Snatch x 2 repsImmediately followed by…Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):Hang Snatch (from the knee) x 2 repsImmediately followed by…Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):2 Snatch Lift-Offs* + Snatch*The Snatch Lift-Off is performed by lifting the bar from the floor to the bottom of the knee, and pausing for 2-seconds here before returning to the floor. The angle of your back should remain constant through the movement, with your chest staying OVER the bar throughout.*The goal is to build in load over the course of all 10 sets, starting at approximately 50% of your 1-RM Snatch.B. In teams of two, partners alternate complete rounds to complete 5 rounds each of:6 Front Squats*12 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)36 Double-Unders*For the Front Squats, choose a weight that will challenge you, but that you should still be able to complete the 5 reps unbroken. If you don’t have a partner for this session, use a 1:1 Work:Rest ratio and push the intensity during your work period.
Row 200 Meters @2k PR Pace (or moderately fast)Row 400 Meters easyRow 150 Meters @slightly fasterRow 300 Meters easyRow 100 Meters @slightly fastererRow 200 Meters easyRow 50 Meters @fastestRow 100 Meters easyRest walk 3 minutesx 3 sets