Tuesday 2.6.2024
A. Three sets of:
Tempo Dumbbell Bench Press x 6-8 reps @ 21X1
Rest 30 seconds
Zottman Curls x 8-10 reps @ 21X0
Rest 30 seconds
Single Leg Dumbbell Glute Bridges x 10-12 reps each leg @ 20X1
Rest 60 seconds
B. & C.: Same as "Performance"
A. Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Tempo Bench Press x 3 reps @ 21X1
Use approximately 70-75% of your 1-RM, and focus on the speed of the concentric motion – from your chest to full lockout. You want to make that phase as quick and explosive as possible.
Try to increase from 1.23.2024, if able.
B. Two working sets of:
Hand Supported Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x 8-10 reps each leg @ 2011
Rest 45 seconds
Tall Kneeling Arnold Press x 10-12 reps @ 2011
Rest 45 seconds
C. Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
80-ft Farmer's Carry (heavy)
8/6 Calorie Echo Bike
*Score as your average time to complete each set; your farmers carries will be completed as 20-ft segments completed down and back twice (staying toward the back half of the gym). The effort on the bike should be very high!
Against a 30-minute clock:
Bike Erg for as many Meters as possible
*Every 3 minutes, complete:
Odd Intervals: 10 Burpees
Even Intervals: 15/10 Calorie Row