Friday 5.17.2019


A. Three sets of:Back Squat x 6 reps @ 30X1(try to increase loads from what you used last week)Rest 60 secondsSingle Arm Dumbbell Row x 8 reps/side @ 3011Rest 60 secondsSingle Leg Hip Bridge x 10 reps/side @ 2011Rest 60 secondsB. For time:40 Wall Balls20 Pull-Ups (Scale to Jumping Pull-ups or Ring Rows)30 Wall Balls15 Pull-Ups20 Wall Balls10 Pull-Ups10 Wall Balls5 Pull-Ups*This workout was last completed on 1.3.2018


A. Four sets of:Back Squat x 4 reps @30X1 tempoRest 2-3 minutesIncrease the weight you used last week by at least 5%. If you missed your squatting sessions in the last two weeks, select a weight that will make your final 2-3 reps of your final set extremely difficult.B. For time:40 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)20 Pull-Ups30 Wall Balls15 Pull-Ups20 Wall Balls10 Pull-Ups10 Wall Balls5 Pull-Ups*This workout was last completed on 1.3.2018


Run 800 Meters @50%Then…Run 100 meters @90%Rest 30 secondsx 15-20 rounds(all runs should be within 3 seconds of each other -- if you fall off more than this, terminate the work)Then…Run 800 Meters @50%


Saturday 5.18.2019


Thursday 5.16.2019