Friday 12.23.2022

*Holiday Schedule:

Friday: Normal Schedule - “12 Days of Fitness” Workout

Saturday: One Class Only @9am

Sunday & Monday: CLOSED


"12 Days of Fitness"

*This workout is to be performed in the style of “The 12 Days of Christmas:”
1 – 100 Meter Run or 25 Double Unders
2 – Power Cleans (135/95 lb.)
3 – Ring Dips or Bench Dips
4 – Jumping Lunges
5 – Burpees
6 – Toes to Bar or Abmat Situps
7 – Push-ups
8 – Box Jumps
9 – Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
10 – Pull-ups
11 – Front Squats (135/95 lb.)
12 – Shoulder to Overhead (135/95 lb.)

*Special thanks to Invictus for inspiring our annual Christmas workout! Compare your results to years past, if you were lucky enough to have done it!


250 Meter Row/Ski OR 500 Meter Bike Erg
Rest 60 seconds
x 12-16 rounds

*Your goal is to keep a sustainable pace for all of your intervals. Take an additional 2-3 minutes of rest after your 7th or 8th set, or earlier if your output begins to drop off significantly.


Saturday 12.24.2022


Thursday 12.22.2022