Thursday 12.22.2022

*Holiday Schedule:

Friday: Normal Schedule - “12 Days of Fitness” Workout

Saturday: One Class Only @9am

Sunday & Monday: CLOSED


A. Three working sets of:
Barbell Hip Thrust x 6-8 reps @21X1 tempo
Rest 45 seconds
Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press x 8-10 reps each arm @ 20X1
Rest 45 seconds
Banded Face Pull x 12-15 reps @ 20X1
Rest 45 seconds


Take 12-15 minute to build to a 3-RM Sumo Deadlift (with PERFECT posture and mechanics) @ 21X1 tempo
* Set 1 – 50% of possible 3-RM x 5 reps
* Set 2 – 75% of possible 3-RM x 3 reps
* Set 3 – 85% of possible 3-RM x 2 reps
* Set 4 – 90-95% of possible 3-RM x 1 rep
* Set 5 – Test 3-RM
* Set 6 (optional) – Exceed Set 5 weight for 3-RM
Rest 2-3 minutes between lifts

B. In teams of two, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
30/24 Calorie Echo Bike
200ft Farmer's Carry
10 Wall Walks (or Inchworms)

Divide the work between partners as you see fit, but only one partner can be working at any given time.

C. (Optional)
Two or Three sets of:
Zottman Curls x 8-10 reps @3111
Rest as needed
Bent Over Reverse Flies x 10-12 reps @2010
Rest as needed


250 Meter Row/Ski OR 500 Meter Bike Erg
Rest 60 seconds
x 12-16 rounds

*Your goal is to keep a sustainable pace for all of your intervals. Take an additional 2-3 minutes of rest after your 7th or 8th set, or earlier if your output begins to drop off significantly.


Friday 12.23.2022


Wednesday 12.21.2022