Friday 10.11.2024

Schedule Reminder: Monday (10/14) — NO 6 & 7 am Class; NO 6:30pm Class


A. Three sets of:
Strict Pull-ups (or Pull-up Negatives) x 4-6 reps @ 3110
(Add weight if needed to make this rep range challenging)
Rest 45 seconds
Half Kneeling Landmine Press x 6-8 reps each arm @ 21X1
Rest 45 seconds
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x 8-10 reps each leg @ 2010 (hold two DBs here, or use a hand assist if needed to maintain balance)
Rest 45 seconds

B. Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets):
400 Meter Run or 25/20 Calorie Echo Bike
20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches

*Compare to 10.4.2023


A. Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep

Start around 60% of your 1-RM Snatch and build over the course of the 10 sets to something heavy for today. If you are feeling strong, go for a new 1-RM.

B. Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets):
400 Meter Run or 25/20 Calorie Echo Bike
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
10 Power Snatches (135/93 lb)

*Compare to 10.4.2023


Against a 90-second clock:
15/12 Calorie Row
Max Calorie Bike Erg

Rest 60 seconds b/t sets, and complete 4 sets, then....

Against a 90-second clock:
15/12 Calorie Bike Erg
Max Calorie Row

Rest 60 seconds b/t sets, and complete 4 sets, then....

Rest 2-3 minutes before continuing on to...

Against a 90-second clock:
12/10 Calorie Ski
Max Calorie Echo Bike

Rest 60 seconds b/t sets, and complete 4 sets, then....

Against a 90-second clock:
12/10 Calorie Echo Bike
Max Calorie Ski

Rest 60 seconds b/t sets, and complete 4 sets


Olympic Weightlifting With Coach Jamie Returns Oct 20th!


Thursday 10.10.2024