Saturday 9.10.2022


In teams of two, complete the following...

Against a 5-minute running clock:
400 Meter Run (both partners run together)
30 Partner Wall Balls (one partner catches the ball on the way down from the other partner's shot)
20 Power Cleans (135/93 lb) (split between partners)
Max Reps of Burpees in remaining time

Rest 2 minutes, and repeat for a total of FIVE (5) sets – 35 minutes of total workout time.


Against a 2-minute running clock, complete:
5 Burpees
10 V-Ups
20 Walking Lunges
Row x Max Calories

Rest 60 seconds, then...

Against a 2-minute running clock, complete:
200 Meter Ski or Run
Echo Bike or Bike Erg x Max Cals

Rest 60 seconds, then...

Repeat for a total of FIVE SETS of each, for max total calories


40 Minutes @sustainable pace:
750m Row
1500m Bike
500m Run or Ski


Monday 9.12.2022


Friday 9.9.2022