Friday 7.15.2022


A. Shoulder Prep
Two rounds for quality of:
Yoga Push-ups x 8-10 reps
Supinated Passive Hang x 40-60 seconds
(Feet supported if necessary. Work towards spending more time unsupported)
Single Arm Turkish Sit-Up x 4-5/side
Kettlebell or Dumbbell Windmill x 5-6/side (slow and controlled)
(Try going KB Bottoms up for more challenge around the shoulders)

B. Upper Pressing Strength
Five sets of:
Strict Overhead Press x 4-5 reps
Rest 2 minutes

Goal is to establish today's 5-RM Strict Press by your final set. Note this number, as we will use it in progressions in the coming weeks.

C. Conditioning (Tester)
Complete 21, 15, and 9 rep rounds for time of:
Chest-to-Bar Pull-up
Hang Power Clean (135/93 lb)
Bar-Facing Burpee


Three rounds for time of:
27/23 Calorie Row or Echo Bike
21 Russian Kettlebell Swings (choose a KB weight that will challenge you to go unbroken for the first set)
15 Burpees


750m Row @85-90%
Rest 3 minutes
x 3 sets
500 Meter Row @85-90%
Rest 2 minutes
x 4-5 sets
250m Row @85-90%
Rest 1 minute
x 5-7 sets

**This workout can also be completed on the Ski Erg or Bike Erg (double the distance if biking).


Saturday 7.16.2022


Thursday 7.14.2022