Thursday 2.23.2023
*Coach’s Notes: Bodyweight Conditioning
Today’s workout is all about moving your own bodyweight, along with cyclical work on the Bike, Ski, or Row. Move with intention on each section, but try to maximize the amount of time you have once you return to the machine to finish out the interval!
Want to lift something heavy? Look back on any workouts you may have missed this week, and speak with your coach about making up one of those. If this is your 4th day in a row, however, DEFINITELY complete this session.
Against a 5-minute clock, complete:
40/35 Calorie Bike Erg or 30/25 Calorie Echo Bike
30 Walking Lunges (unweighted)
20 Hollow Rocks
Max Calorie Bike Erg in remaining time
Rest 2 minutes, then....
Against a 5-minute clock, complete:
40/35 Calorie Row or Ski
30 Plank Shoulder Taps
20 Box Step-Ups
Max Calorie Row or Ski in remaining time
Rest 2 minutes, then...
Repeat for THREE total sets of each station (42 minutes total -- 30 minutes of work)
40 minutes @continuous effort:
800m Echo Bike or Bike Erg
10 No-Push-up Burpees (sprawls)
200 Meter Run or Row
15 Hollow Rocks
40 Double-Unders or 80 Singles