Saturday 6.25.2022
In teams of three, with only one partner working at a time, complete the following as quickly as possible
1200 Meter Relay Run, Row, or Ski (Bike Erg is 2x distance)
120 Double-Unders (or Lateral Line hops)
90 Power Cleans (115/75 lbs) or Kettlebell Swings
60 Box Step-Overs with Dumbbells (50/35 lb DBs)
1200 Meter Relay Run or Row
120 Double-Unders
90 Power Cleans or Kettlebell Swings
60 Box Step-Overs with Dumbbells
1200 Meter Relay Run or Row
Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes (3 sets):
Minute 1 — 40 Second Bike, Ski, or Row (increase effort slightly each set)
Minute 2 — 20 Second Bear Crawl + 20 Second Hollow Hold
Minute 3 — 40 Second Jump Rope (DUs or Single Unders)
Rest 1 minute, then…
Three sets (9 minutes) of:
30 Seconds of Kettlebell Swings
30 Seconds of Push-ups @10X1 (must pause for 1-second at the top of each rep)
Rest 30 seconds
30 Seconds of Jumping Lunges
30 Seconds of V-Ups
Rest 30 seconds
Rest 1 minute, then….
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
3 Calorie Bike, Ski or Row
3 Burpees Over DB or KB
6 Calorie Bike, Ski, or Row
6 Burpees Over DB or KB
9 Calorie Bike, Ski, or Row
9 Burpees Over DB or KB
and so on…
Every 3 minutes, for 30 minutes (5 sets of each):
Station 1 — 200m Run + 600/500m Bike Erg
Station 2 — 300/250m Row + 300/250m Ski
*Your goal is to have at least 45 seconds of rest between stations — adjust distances accordingly. Your first sets should feel comfortable, with the difficulty increasing you as progressed through the workout (though keeping the same or similar times for each set).