Monday 8.22.2022

*Coach’s Notes:

Welcome to the final week of this training cycle! We will be testing some Benchmarks over the course of the week, starting today with the Strict Press (also called the Overhead Press). As always, we encourage you to log your lifts, so that you can track your progress over time. If, for some reason, you haven’t downloaded the SugarWOD app yet, we’d highly recommend that you use it to record your workouts!


A. Shoulder Prep
Two rounds for quality of (with a light KB or DB):
4 Single Arm Turkish Sit-Ups each arm
6 Tall Kneeling Hip to Halos each side
8 Tall Kneeling Single Arm Curl to Press each arm
12 Plank Drag Throughs (total)

B. Option 1: Strict Press Testing
Take 12-15 minutes to build to today's 1-RM Strict Press


Option 2: Push + Pull Volume
Three sets of:
Landmine Press x 6-8 reps each arm @ 21X1
(try to increase loading from 8.12.2022)
Rest 30 seconds
Ring Rows x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Rest 30 seconds
Bench Dips x 10-12 reps @ 2011
Rest 30 seconds
Hollow Hold/Rock x 30-40 seconds
Rest 30 seconds

C. Conditioning: Carry/Burpee/Row Sprint Intervals
Against a 60-second running clock, complete:
100-ft Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Carry
Max Burpees in Remaining time

Rest 30 seconds, then...

60 Second Row for Max Calories

Rest 90 seconds, then...

Repeat for a total of FOUR set for max reps and calories.


Every 3 minutes, for 36-45 minutes (4-5 sets of each):
Station 1 -- 400 Meter Run
Station 2 -- 500/400 Meter Row
Station 3 -- 1000/800 Meter Bike Erg


Tuesday 8.23.2022


Saturday 8.20.2022