Saturday 12.16.2023


In teams of two, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:
800 Meter Relay Row or Ski
60 Walking Lunges with Kettlebells in Farmer’s Carry
40 Single-Arm Kettlebell Push Presses
20 Pull-ups (scale up to Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups, or down to Jumping Pull-ups or Ring Rows)

*For the Single-Arm KB or DB Push Press, hold two dumbbells or kettlebells in the front racked position, then perform 5 reps with one arm while holding the other DB/KB in the front racked position, then perform 5 reps with the other arm before passing off to your partner.


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
9 Dumbbell Push Presses
6/5 Cal Row

Rest 1 minute, then…

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
90-ft Shuttle Run (15-ft down and back, 30-ft down and back)
6 Burpees

Rest 1 minute, then….

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
6/5 Calorie Ski
6/5 Calorie Bike Erg

Rest 1 minute, then…

Repeat for a second round through of each section

Finish with...
Four sets of:
20 Seconds of Hollow Hold/Rock
Rest 10 seconds
20 Seconds of Superman Punches
Rest 10 seconds


Eight to Ten sets of:
45 Second Run
Rest 15 seconds
45 Second Ski
Rest 15 seconds
45 Second Echo Bike
Rest 75 seconds


Monday 12.18.2023


Friday 12.15.2023