Tuesday 4.23.2024
*Coach’s Notes: Today’s Split Squats are a little atypical for us, as we often use either a Rear-Foot Elevated position, or a Front Foot Elevated position. For today, we will have both feet on the floor, and focus on driving the back knee down, keeping the hips square, and fully extending the front knee at the top of each rep.
As a reminder, here is the layout for the remainder of the week:
Monday: Bench Press + Hinge/Push Intervals
Tuesday: Single Leg + Gymnastics Skills
Wednesday: Snatch + Aerobic Conditioning
Thursday: Mixed Conditioning
Friday: Tempo Back Squat + Upper Pulling
A. Three sets of:
Front Rack Split Squat x 6-8 reps each leg @ 30X0
Rest 60 seconds
Single Arm Trap-3 Raise x 8-10 reps each arm @ 3010
Rest 60 seconds
Perform all three of your working sets with a focus on quality movement.
B. Every minute, on the minute for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Minute 1 — Tall Box Jump x 3-5 reps (jump and land as high as possible; step down and reset between reps)
Minute 2 — Rope Climbs x 1-3 reps or Strict Pull-up x 5-7 reps @ 21X0
(choose a rep range that will allow you to accumulate good work, but that you can recover from effectively)
Minute 3 — 40-second Single Arm Kettlebell Front Rack Carry (20 seconds each side)
C. Against a 6-minute clock, complete:
3 Front Squats (115/73 lb) or Goblet Squats
3 Toes to Bar or V-Ups
6 Front Squats
6 Toes to Bar
9 Front Squats
9 Toes to Bar
...and so on, adding 3 reps to each movement each round
Every 3 minutes, for 30 minutes (5 sets of each):
Station 1 — 200m Run + 600/500m Bike Erg
Station 2 — 300/250m Row + 300/250m Ski
*Your goal is to have at least 45 seconds of rest between stations — adjust distances accordingly. Your first sets should feel comfortable, with the difficulty increasing you as progressed through the workout (though keeping the same or similar times for each set).