Tuesday 12.13.2022
*Coach’s Notes: Pull-up Strength
I’ve heard it said before that if Squats are the king of exercises, then pull-ups are the queen. Not sure if I totally agree (nor do I feel great about patriarchal or monarchial set-ups, but whatever), however I do agree that pull-ups are a great movement, and should show up in almost anyone’s strength program, in some form.
If we do not have our first Strict Pull-up yet, we find that accumulating as much time as possible simply hanging from the bar is a great way to build up the strength endurance necessary in the scaps, lats, and grip. From here, working on negatives (or chin-over-bar holds) will allow us to continue developing strength throughout the range of motion, as well as incorporating different means of assistance.
If we do have pull-ups, then the next step is adding load to these (beyond our bodyweight).
Not there yet in your pulling strength? No worries — keep working at it, and make sure you are also incorporating other pulling exercises, such as Dumbbell or Barbell Rows, as well as movements to strength flexion of the elbow (the real reason we love curls!).
A. Absolute Strength: Vertical Push + Pull
Four sets of:
Seated Strict Shoulder Press x 6 reps @ 21X1
Rest 90 seconds
Strict Weighted Pull-Up x 3-4 reps @ 21X0
Rest 90 seconds
If you do not have Strict Pull-ups yet, perform 3-4 slow negatives, or 6-8 band-assisted pull-ups at the above tempo.
B. Strength Endurance
Every 4 minutes, for 20 minutes (5 sets):
10 Dumbbell Bench Press (heavy)
15 Toes to Bar
20/15 Calorie Echo Bike
Substitutes for Toes to Bar can be Hanging Knee Tucks or V-Ups; if you have Toes to Bar, but this volume is too much for you, cut the reps back to something that you can consistently complete in 30 seconds or less each set.
Bike Erg Intervals
2 minutes @ 75-80% (10 minute pace)
1 minute @ 80-85% (5 minute pace)
30 seconds @ easy
30 seconds @ 90-95% (1 minute pace)
1 minute @ easy
x 6-8 rounds (30-40 minutes)