Tuesday 11.7.2023
*Program Note: Our next block of training will start Monday, November 13th. Have some fun this week (I promise it won’t be as hard as last week ◡̈ )!
A. Shoulder/Core Prep
Two sets, for quality, of:
3-4 Turkish Get Ups each arm
8-10 Single Arm Bent Over Kettlebell Rows each arm
12-15 Reverse Snow Angels
16-20 Deadbugs w/Kettlebell
*Keep the KB load light-to-moderate and treat this as a warm-up for the remainder of today’s work.
B. Pressing Volume
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Dumbbell Bench Press x 6-8 reps
(Focus on squeezing your pecs by driving – without moving – your palms together. Pick a weight that feels manageable for the first 2-3 sets, then very challenging to hit all reps over the final 2-3 sets)
C. Aerobic Intervals
Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets):
12/10 Calorie Bike Erg
30 Double-Unders
12/10 Calorie Ski Erg
One or Two sets of:
Rack Pec Stretch x 30-40 seconds each side
Couch Stretch x 40-60 seconds each side
Every 2 minutes, for 32 minutes (4 sets of each):
Station 1 — 320/280 Meter Row
Station 2 — 640/560 Meter Bike Erg
Station 3 — 320/280 Meter Ski or 300m Row
Station 4 — 20 second Side Plank Left Side + 20 second forward plank + 20 second Side Plank right side + 20 seconds forward plank