Thursday 9.16.2021
A. Six sets of:
Sumo Deadlift
*Set 1 – 6 reps
*Set 2 – 4 reps
*Set 3 – 2 reps
*Set 4 – 6 reps
*Set 5 – 4 reps
*Set 6 – 2 reps
Rest 2 minutes between sets
For each rep, pause and reset with the barbell on the floor, and focus on a tight core and setting your shoulders before pulling. Loading example: 225 x 6; 265 x 4; 305 x 2; 245 x 6; 285 x 4; 325 x 2
Three sets of:
Barbell Hip Thrusts x 8 reps @ 2112
immediately followed by…
Barbell Hip Thrust Iso-Hold x 15-30 seconds
(hold the top position, creating maximal contraction of your glutes and hamstrings for as long as you can hold)
Rest 60 seconds
Single Arm Kettlebell Row (hand and knee on Bench) x 8-10 reps each arm @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Band Pull Aparts x 15-20 reps
Rest 60 seconds
B. In teams of three, switch every 200 Meters to Row for as many meters as possible in 15 minutes
*Row your 200 Meter Intervals at near-maximal effort, then rest 2:1 while your teammates work. If you only have 2 people, simply rest an extra 40-50 seconds in place of your missing teammate, then multiply your total meters by 1.5
C. (Optional) Accumulate 2-3 minutes in a Front-Leaning Rest on Rings (or Hands)
Every 4 minutes, for 40 minutes (10 sets):
300/250m Row
600/500m Bike Erg
*Note times for each set, shooting for lowest total working time