Wednesday 2.19.2025
A. Three sets of:
Dumbbell Bench Press x 8-10 reps @ 20X0
Rest 30 seconds
Bent Over Reverse Flies x 10-12 reps @ 20X0
Rest 30 seconds
Kettlebell Horn Curls x 12-15 reps @ 20X0
Rest 30 seconds
Plank Kettlebell Pull Throughs x 30-40 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
B. Same as "Performance"
A. Every 2:30, for 15 minutes (6 sets):
Close Grip Barbell Bench Press
Set 1 — 3 reps @ RPE 6/10
Set 2 — 3 reps @ RPE 7/10
Set 3 — 3 reps @ RPE 8/10
Set 4 — 3 reps @ RPE 9/10
Set 5 — 3 reps @ RPE 10/10
Set 6 — Max Reps @ 85% of today's 3-RM
Build in load over your first 5 sets to today's 3-RM Close Grip Bench Press. Note that there is no longer a tempo restriction, and no pause required on each rep.
Compare to 6.7.2024
B. Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes (5 sets):
30-50 Double-Unders (or Mountain Climbers)
10-15 Calorie Echo Bike
100-ft Farmers Carry
16-20 Cobra Walking Lunges
10-15 Toes to Bar (or Hanging Knee Raises)
*For this workout, you will complete each set in a different order (ie. Set 1 will start with the Double-Unders and end on the Toes to Bar; Set 2 will start with the Echo Bike and end on the Double-Unders, etc.).
*Choose a rep count that allows for at least 60 seconds of rest between sets (though ideally a bit more).
Every 3 minutes, for 24-30 minutes (8-10 sets):
100 Meter Ski
200 Meter Row
300 Meter Bike Erg
Adjust the distances so that you are getting close to 60 seconds of rest each set (100m Ski, 150m Row, 200m Bike, for example)