Friday 12.10.2021
For time:
Row 1500 Meters
Followed by...
Five rounds of:
6 Strict Pull-ups
12 Goblet Squat
Followed by...
60/40 Calorie Echo Bike
*Compare to 7.5.2021 and 5.22.2018
For time:
Row 1500 Meters
Followed by...
Five rounds of:
9 Front Squats (155/103 lbs)
12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Followed by...
60/40 Calorie Echo Bike
*Compare to 7.5.2021 and 5.22.2018
20 minutes @sustained pace:
20/15 Calorie Bike Erg
15/12 Calorie Row
10/9 Calorie Ski
Rest 5 minutes
x 2 sets