Wednesday 10.25.2023
*Coach’s Notes: We are going to start adding a couple of cooldown movements to each day’s programming, that can be completed with the class (if there’s time), or on your own after class is over. Nothing crazy here, just 3-5 minutes of focused mobility that is based around recovering from the day’s exercises.
A. Four or Five sets of:
Front Squat x 3 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Start at a 6-7/10 RPE and build to today's heavy set of 3.
Three sets of:
Tempo Front Squat or Front-Racked KB Squat x 4-5 reps @ 6211
Rest 60 seconds
Single Arm Dumbbell Row x 8-10 reps @21X0
Rest 60 seconds
B. Two sets of:
Suitcase Curtsy Squat x 8-10 reps/leg @ 30X0
Rest 30 seconds
Powell Raise x 10-12 reps/side @ 3010
Rest 60 seconds
C. Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
10/8 Calorie Bike Erg Sprint*
12-16 Quadruped Kettlebell Drag Throughs
10-12 Tall Kneeling Kettlebell Horn Curls
*The time we are tracking here is the Bike portion. Take your time completing the Core and Arm work, and focus on trying to go all out on your sprint effort!
Cooldown (can be performed after class):
One or Two sets of:
Couch Stretch x 40-60 seconds each side
Banded Lat Stretch x 30-40 seconds each side
Every 7 minutes, for 35 minutes (5 sets):
800 Meter Bike Erg
400 Meter Row
200 Meter Ski