Saturday 11.6.2021
A. In teams of three, with one partner working at a time, Row for as many Calories as possible in 9 minutes. Partners will switch every 12/9 Calories, and immediately complete 12/9 Push-ups upon completing their Calories.
Rest 3 minutes, then...
B. In teams of three, with one partner working at a time, Ski for as many Calories as possible in 9 minutes. Partners will switch every 12/9 Calories, and immediately complete 12 Jumping Lunges upon completing their Calories.
Rest 3 minutes, then...
C. In teams of three, with one partner working at a time, Bike Erg for as many Calories as possible in 9 minutes. Partners will switch every 12/9 Calories, and immediately complete a 12 Abmat Sit-ups upon completing their Calories.
Warm-up (2-3 minutes):
Sumo Inchworms
Trunk Rotations
Lunge Complex
A. Three sets (18 minutes) of:
20 Seconds of Sit-Ups
20 Seconds of Push-ups
Rest 20 seconds (get on rower, bike, or ski)
60 Seconds Ski, Row, or Bike @high effort
Rest 60 seconds
20 Seconds of Ball Slams
20 Seconds of Jumping Air Squats
Rest 20 seconds (get on rower, bike, or ski)
60 Seconds Ski, Row, or Bike @high effort
Rest 60 seconds
*Try to go faster on the Bike, Ski or Row with each set. Use two different machines, and alternate between the two.
Rest 2-3 minutes, then…
B. Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
12/9 Calorie Row, Bike, or Ski
24 Mountain Climbers
120ft Farmer's Carry
9 Burpees
15 minute Bike Erg @70-75%
15 minutes of:
100ft Farmers Carry (heavy)
10 Cossack Squats
100ft Sandbag Carry
20 Second Hollow Hold
60 Second Bike @80% (Damper 5)
30 Seconds easy
30 Second Bike @90% (Damper 10)
30 Seconds easy
x 6-8 rounds (15-20 minutes)