Olympic Weightlifting - Week 1

*Please check out this post on how to follow the workouts

Week 1 Day 1 (Sunday 3.13.2022)

Snatch -MAX

Clean & Jerk- MAX

**Notes: Spend 20 minutes (after warm-up) building to a 1-RM in each lift.  The goal is to set a baseline off of which to work in the coming weeks

Week 1 Day 2 (Optional):

A. Snatch Balance; 70% x3x4 (% of Snatch)

B. Hang Power Clean (mid-thigh) + Power Jerk; 60%x2+2, 65%x2+2, 70%x2+2, 60%x2+2, 65%x2+2, 70%x2+2 (% of Clean & Jerk)

C. Jerk Dip Squat; 80%x5, 85%x5, 90%x5 x 2 (% of Jerk)

D. Optional Accessory:

2-3 rounds of:

8-10 DB External Rotations each arm

10-15 GHD Hip Extensions

**Notes: For Part B, these are a “waveload,” meaning you will go up in weight in 3 subsequent sets, then go back to start and build again over 3 more sets; bring the same speed and mechanics to all weights.

Week 1 Day 3 (Thursday 3.17.2022):

A. Block Power Snatch + Block Snatch; 60%x1+2, 65%x1+2 x 2 sets, 70%x1+2 x 3-4 sets

B. Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull; 75%x3+1 x 4 sets; pause for 1-second at the pockets on each Deadlift

C. 1 and 1/4 Front Squat (using the “bounce”); 60-70%x3x4

D. Core/Accessory  (coach’s choice)

**Notes: Block height should be just the knee.  These will be 1 Power Snatch + 2 Squat Snatches each set; For the Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull, it will be 3 Deadlifts + 1 Pull for each set


Olympic Weightlifting - How to Read the Workouts


Saturday 3.12.2022