New Training Cycle -- Open Prep

First off, if you are new to Full Range and our programming, please take a moment to read this post about how we periodize our training.This Monday (January 8th) begins our next, 12-week cycle, that will look as follows:Day 1: Leg Strength (Front Squat) + Upper Pulling StrengthDay 2: Pressing Strength + MAPDay 3: Snatch + Sprint WorkDay 4: Leg Strength (Back Squat) + Upper PullingDay 5: Deadlift + Horizontal PressingDay 6: MAPDay 7: Clean/PC/C&JDay 8: Gymnastics Skill/Volume*****With no programmed training on Sundays, this means that, when Day 1 occurs on Monday, those same movements will repeat the following Wednesday, then again the following Friday.Since this cycle will take us into, and through, the CrossFit Open, much of the focus will be on preparing for the movements and scenarios that are likely to appear in these workouts.  For example, we will be working on (for the Performance track) completing sets of Chest-to-Bar pull-ups very shortly after lifting heavy weight in the Front Squat, since heavy lifting and performing a high volume of gymnastics movements are common elements seen in past Open events.Along with this, we will be accumulating volume of commonly seen movements (think Toes to Bar, Double Unders, Box Jumps, etc.), and re-visiting some prior Open workouts, in order to see where folks need more practice.Of course, we will still be focused on building/maintaining functional strength, and will never completely ignore any single facet of overall fitness.If you have any questions about our programs, our classes, or which group to follow, please speak to one of your coaches; we are always eager to help you achieve your goals, whatever those may be!Onward,Coach ACM


Wednesday 1.10.2018


Tuesday 1.9.2018