Monday 11.25.2024

*Holiday Week Schedule:
Monday & Tuesday: Normal
Wednesday: No 5:30 or 6:30pm Classes
Thursday: One Class @ 9am
Friday: 9am Class; Open Gym 10-12; 12pm Class
Saturday: 9:30am Class Only


A. Every 2:30, for 10 minutes (4 sets):
*Set 1 — 10 reps
*Set 2 — 8 reps
*Set 3 — 6 reps
*Set 4 — 4 reps

We've removed the tempo restriction (so no more 3-second lowering); remain under control, and use this week to feel out weights. All of your working sets should be an RPE of 7-8/10.
Use your rest periods to work on upper body mobility or activation work -- ask your coach for suggestions if needed.

B. Every 2:30, for 10 minutes (4 sets):
Bench Press
*Set 1 — 5 reps @ RPE 7/10
*Set 2 — 5 reps @ RPE 8/10
*Set 3 — 5 reps @ RPE 9/10
*Set 4 — Max Reps using 75-80% of Set 3 weight

Again, no more tempo restrictions on these sets. Build in load to a heavy set of 5 for your third set, then complete a back-off set for max reps.

C. Against a 3-minute clock, complete:
18/14 Calorie Echo Bike
120-ft Sandbag Carry
Burpees x Max reps in time remaining

Rest 60 seconds, and complete three sets. Groups of over 12 people should stagger their start times by 2 minutes.


30 Second Bike or Run @ 80%
Rest 30 seconds
x 16 rounds

Rest 2 minutes

30 Second Bike or Run @85%
Rest 30 seconds
x 16 rounds

*Use similar paces to two weeks ago, for an
increased number of total sets.


Tuesday 11.26.2024


Saturday 11.23.2024