Wednesday 6.7.2023


A. Power Clean Clusters
Four or Five sets (12 minutes) of:
Power Clean x @ 70-80% of 1-RM
Rest 10 seconds b/t singles
Rest 90-120 second between sets


Three sets of:
Romanian Deadlift x 6 reps @ 4011
Rest 30 seconds
Tall Box Jump x 4-6 reps (jump and land as tall and as softly as possible; rest and reset between jumps)
Rest 30 seconds
Plank Walk Ups x 8-12 reps slow and controlled
Rest 60 seconds

B. Carry/Core/Scap
Three sets of:
Dual KB Front Rack Carry x 150ft
Rest as needed
Side Plank Powell Raise x 8-10/side
Rest as needed

C. Ski Sprint Relay
In teams of three, switch every 150/120 Meters to Ski for as many meters as possible in 12 minutes.

*If you don’t have a team of 3, perform your 150/120 Meters as a high effort sprint, and go every 90-120 seconds.


90 Second Echo Bike @85%
Rest 30 seconds
60 Second Row @90%
Rest 30 seconds
30 Second Ski or Run @95%
Rest 60 seconds
x 5-6 rounds

**note cals for each station, and try to stay as consistent as possible


Thursday 6.8.2023


Tuesday 6.6.2023