Tuesday 4.11.2023

*Coach’s Notes: Steady Chippers

Today’s conditioning is a long (15-20 minutes, ideally), straight-through effort. The key to maximizing your performance here will be knowing how to break up each section into manageable chunks, and how long to pause when you do decide to take a rest. Spoiler alert: the Box Step-Overs will be a slog, but try to be as efficient as possible, and perform a lateral step-over if you are able. PLEASE be cautious here, and lower the box height if you don’t feel confident in this movement.

There is no hard “cap” on this workout, but, as mentioned above, the aim is for 15-20 minutes of continuous, solid effort!


A. Four or Five sets of:
Tempo Front Squat x 3 reps @ 42X1 tempo
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

*Increase loading from 3.31.2023, and/or aim to make all of these sets decently heavy, with solid, 2-second pauses on every squat. This tempo should be VERY challenging to maintain by the final rep of each set.

B. For time:
500 Meter Run
50 Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″ – step down)
50 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
50 Box Step-Overs with Kettlebell (24/16 kg)
500 Meter Run

For the Box Step-Overs, hold the KB on one shoulder, or in a Goblet position. If necessary, lower the height of the box (or forego the KB) to complete these.


Every 5 minutes, for 45 minutes (3 sets) for times:
*Station 1 – 1800/1500 Meter Bike Erg
*Station 2 – 450/375 Meter Ski + 450/375 Meter Row
*Station 3 – Three rounds of:
8 Ring Rows
16 Walking Lunges (unweighted) or Low Step-Ups
24 Second Plank Hold

Note your times to complete each station, with the goal of consistent times for each set.


Wednesday 4.12.2023


Monday 4.10.2023