Tuesday 9.13.2022

*Coach’s Notes: Today’s workout is as hard (or as easy) as you make it; each station is designed to be completed in 60 seconds or less, leaving you 30(ish) seconds of rest between work stations. Since this is not a TON of rest, it’s your job to regulate your output, control your breathing, and stay mentally ready to keep pushing through all 4 sets of each. A good goal would be to get the same or similar reps and times throughout — though doing so will feel tougher and tougher.


Every 90 seconds, for 36 minutes (4 sets) of:
Station 1 – 80 Double-Unders (or 60 seconds of practice)
Station 2 – 60 seconds of Strict Pull-Ups (advanced: Ring Muscle-Ups)
Station 3 – 400 Meter Bike Erg
Station 4 – 200ft Farmers Carry
Station 5 – 60 seconds of Wall Walks or Push-ups (focus on good ROM)
Station 6 – 200 Meter Ski


Every 2 minutes, for 30-40 minutes (15-20 rounds):
150/125 Meter Row
150/125 Meter Ski

*Transition quickly from one machine to the next; your goal is consistent effort across all sets


Wednesday 9.14.2022


Monday 9.12.2022