Wednesday 12.1.2021


Every 12 minutes, for 36 minutes (3 sets) for times:
400 Meter Row
20 Burpees
800 Meter Bike Erg
20 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35lb — 10 each arm)
200 Meter Ski
10 Single Arm Devil’s Presses (50/35lb — 5 each arm)

*You should be aiming to finish in 10 minutes or less. If the prescribed rep schemes will not permit at least 2 minutes of rest in the first set, please alter reps or distances to ensure you get at least SOME rest before tackling the next set.

(Optional Finisher) Two or Three sets of:
10-15 Side Plank Rotations each side
20-30 Second Arch Hold
30-40 Seconds of Flutter Kicks
Rest as needed between sets


40-45 minutes @steady pace:
2k Bike Erg
200ft Farmers Carry @moderate
750m Row
60 Second Plank Hold
100 Single Unders


Thursday 12.2.2021


Tuesday 11.30.2021