Friday 11.1.2024


A. Three sets of:
4-6 Tempo Dual Kettlebell Front Squats @ 3311
Rest 15 seconds, then...
30 seconds for Max Reps Dual Kettlebell Front Squats (NO TEMPO)
Rest 30 seconds, then...
16-20 Alternating Kettlebell Gorilla Rows
Rest 30 seconds, then...
40-60 Second Plank Hold
Rest 90-120 seconds

B. Three sets for max reps of:
60 Seconds of Strict Pull-ups
Rest 15 seconds
60 Seconds of Dumbbell Z-Presses
Rest 15 seconds
60 Seconds of Row, Ski, or Bike (for Calories)
Rest 90 seconds

*If using assistance on your Pull-ups, spend some time finding a set-up that allows you to accumulate at least 10 solid reps each set. For the Z-Presses, choose a Dumbbell weight that you could press for 8-12 unbroken reps (when you are fresh).


A. Five sets of:
Tempo Back Squat x 3 reps @ 22X1
Rest 2 minutes between sets

Build in load to today's heavy triple at the prescribed tempo.

B. Three sets for max reps of:
60 Seconds or Bar Muscle-Ups
Rest 15 seconds
60 Seconds of Strict Handstand Push-ups
Rest 15 seconds
60 Seconds of Row, Ski, or Bike (for Calories)
Rest 90 seconds


30 Second Bike or Run @80%
Rest 30 seconds
x 10 rounds

Rest 2 minutes

30 Second Bike or Run @85%
Rest 30 seconds
x 10 rounds

Rest 2 minutes

30 Second Bike or Run @90%
Rest 30 seconds
x 10 rounds

*Find a sustainable pace for our first 10 sets. Then increase our effort with each 10 sets.
Always aim to keep all sets within a % range at the same pace.


Saturday 11.2.2024


Thursday 10.31.2024