Friday 10.28.2022
A. Prep Work
Two sets for quality of:
5 Slow Deep Squat Rotations each side (elevate the heels if needed to get into a better position)
10 Knee Over Toe Split Squats each Leg
15 Side Plank Clamshell Hip Thrusts each side
20 Banded Face Pulls
30 Second Glute Bridge March
B. Pause Squats
Three sets of:
Tempo Front Squat x 4 reps @ 33X1
Rest 2 minutes
Perform two warm-up sets, then...
*Set 1 — 7/10 RPE
*Set 2 — 8/10 RPE
*Set 3 — 9/10 RPE
Goal is to increase loading from last week
C. Capacity Work: Jump/Lunge/Sprint
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes (5 sets of each):
Minute 1 — 6 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (as fast as possible)
Minute 2 — 12 HEAVY Dumbbell or Kettlebell Walking Lunges (6 each leg)
Minute 3 — 9/6 Calorie Echo Bike Sprint
"PUMP:" Single Leg/Core/Scap
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes (5 sets of each):
Minute 1 — 6 Front Foot Elevated Goblet Reverse Lunges each leg @ 3010
Minute 2 — 8-10 Supine Toes to Bar @ 3010
Minute 3 — 10-12 Bent Over Dumbbell Reverse Flies @ 3010
15 minute Bike Erg @70-75%
15 minutes of:
100ft Farmers Carry (heavy)
10 Cossack Squats
100ft Sandbag Carry
20 Second Hollow Hold
60 Second Bike @80% (Damper 5)
30 Seconds easy
30 Second Bike @90% (Damper 10)
30 Seconds easy
x 6-8 rounds (15-20 minutes)