Friday 4.19.2024
A. Three sets of:
Dumbbell Russian Step Ups x 8-10 reps each leg
Rest 45 seconds
Strict or Assisted Pull-ups x 6-8 reps @ 2111
Rest 45 seconds
Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Carry x 150 feet
Rest 45 seconds
*If your shoulders are very tired from the week, OR you plan on doing Toes to Bar in the conditioning portion, substitute the Strict Pull-ups with Single Arm Trap-3 Raises x 6-8 reps each arm.
B. In teams of two, partners will alternate tasks to complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
12/9 Calorie Echo Bike
12 Walking Lunges w/KBs in Farmers Hold
12 V-Ups
C. Cooldown/”FYF!”
A. Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean
Start at approximately 60% of your 1-RM Power Clean, and build only as proper technique allows
B. In teams of two, partners will alternate tasks to complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
12/9 Calorie Echo Bike
12 Walking Lunges w/KBs in Farmers Hold
12 Toes to Bar
*If your shoulders need a rest from this week, sub in GHD Sit-ups or Weighted Sit-ups for the Toes to Bar
C. Cooldown/”FYF!”
Bike Erg
30sec at easy pace,
90sec at moderate pace
45sec at easy pace
75sec at fastish pace
60sec at easy pace
60sec at fast pace
75sec at easy pace
45sec at faster pace
90sec at easy pace
30sec sprint
Rest 3 minutes
x 3 sets