Tuesday 7.26.2022

*Coach’s Notes: What’s “CNS Prep?” Our central nervous system is paramount in putting together complex movements, ESPECIALLY when those movements are resisted with heavy weights. So, in order to maximize our potential when lifting heavy loads (like today’s Sumo Deadlifts), it can be useful to “wake up” our CNS by hitting some fast-paced, explosive bursts of activity.

Half Turkish Get Up: We like this movement for a few reasons, but mainly for its ability to promote stabilization and cross-lateralization (getting one side of our brain/body to coordinate with the other side). Also, because it ends at the hip extension, and takes out the lunge portion, it’s more approachable for those that may struggle with the mobility involved in the lunge and stand portion of the full TGU. For all of us, though, it means we can load this more heavily (generally) than the full movement (and not take forever to complete 4 reps).

Lastly, our conditioning workout today is a Chipper that we’ve done several times over the years, most recently last October. Enjoy those lunges!


A. CNS Prep
Three sets of:
3 Tall Box Jumps (jump up, step down)
Rest 10 seconds
12-15 Russian Kettlebell Swings (explosive swings)
Rest 10 seconds
15-20 Second Ski Sprint @very high effort
Rest walk 60-90 seconds

B. Absolute Strength: Hinge/Core
Four sets of:
Sumo Deadlift x 6 reps @ 21X1
Rest 60-90 seconds
Half Turkish Get Up x 4 reps each arm (slow and controlled here)
Rest 60-90 seconds

*Try to increase loading on the Sumo Deadlift from 7.6.2022

C. Conditioning: Chipper
For time:
Row 1000 Meters
60 Walking Lunges with Kettlebells in Farmer’s Carry (24/16 kg each hand)
120 Double-Unders (Fitness/Scaling: 20/15 Calorie Ski or 400 Meter Run)

Compare to 10.27.2021


15/12 Calorie Ski
15/12 Calorie Row
15/12 Calorie Bike Erg
Rest 1:1
x 6-8 sets


Wednesday 7.27.2022


Monday 7.25.2022