Thursday 10.12.2023
*Coach’s Notes: The goal of today’s workout is to be able to keep solid pacing from machine to machine, and from set to set. If you cannot complete the prescribed calories at each station in under 2 minutes, adjust the numbers accordingly (ie. 20/20/20). The amount of time that you have left for the Double-Unders is less important than how well you perform on the Row/Ski/Bike, and the workout was written with the intention of not giving TOO much time on the jump rope, so that someone that is very fit doesn’t end up doing, say, 800 dubs over the workout (though, if this happens, said person can probably handle that much).
Have fun!
Against a 6-minute running clock, complete:
30/24 Calorie Row
30/24 Calorie Ski Erg
30/24 Calorie Bike Erg
Max Double-Unders (or Mountain Climbers) in time remaining
Rest 3 minutes, and repeat for a total of FOUR sets for max Double-Unders.
Compare to 11.17.2022
Echo Bike or Bike Erg Workout (via Chris Hinshaw)
Part 1:
6 sets of:
90sec at fast pace,
90sec at easy pace.
Details: Goal during the 90sec easy pace interval is to get half (50%) the calories you accumulated during the 90sec fast pace interval. Rest 3min before starting Part 2.
Part 2:
6 sets of:
60sec at easy pace
60sec at fast pace
Details: Goal during 60sec fast pace interval is to get double (2x) the calories you accumulated during the 60sec easy pace interval
Total: 30min