Tuesday 2.20.2024


A. Skill Work
Every 75 seconds, for 11:15 (3 sets of each):
Minute 1 – Handstand Hold Work x 30-45 seconds
(against a wall, freestanding, or HS walking)
Minute 2 – Chin-Over Bar Hold or Ring Row Hold x 30-40 seconds (accumulated in holds of 10-15 seconds)
Minute 3 – Alternating Pistols or Cossack Squats x 6-8 reps each leg

B. Conditioning Intervals
Every 4 minutes, for 24 minutes (6 sets):
150/120 Meter Ski
120-ft Farmers Carry
300/240 Meter Bike Erg
6 Burpees to a 6" target

One to two sets of:
Twisted Cross x 30-40 seconds each side
Childs Pose Reach Through (or "Thread the Needle") x 30-40 seconds each side


Every 3 minutes, for 36-45 minutes (4-5 sets of each):
Station 1 — 400/360 Meter Ski or Run
Station 2 — 400/360 Meter Row
Station 3 — 800/720 Meter Bike Erg


Wednesday 2.21.2024


Monday 2.19.2024