Friday 2.9.2024

*Coach’s Note: We are starting out our heavier hinge day this cycle with a focus on the Romanian Deadlift. These can be very taxing on the hamstrings and glutes, so use this first week to feel out your weights, keeping the RPE on your working sets at a 7/10.

These will also become very challenging on your grip strength as the weights increase (especially at higher rep ranges), but please fight to maintain a double-overhand grip throughout. If needed, you can use lifting straps (if you have them).


A. Four working sets of:
Romanian Deadlift x (see reps below)

Warm-up Set: 10 reps @ Light weight
Set 1 — 10 reps @ 20X1 - RPE 7
Set 2 — 8 reps @ 20X1 - RPE 7
Set 3 — 6 reps @ 20X1 - RPE 7
Set 4 — Drop back to your Working Set 1 weight and perform a set for max reps @ 20X0 Tempo (Goal is 10-15 reps -- stop as soon as your mechanics start to break down)

Rest 2-3 minutes between working sets, and, during this time, complete 8-12 Ring Dips, Stationary Dips, or Bench Dips @ 20X0 tempo.

B. Every minute, on the minute, for 16 minutes (4 sets):
Minute 1 — 3-4 Heavy Single Arm Dumbbell Clean & Jerks each arm
(alternate arms; each rep starts on the floor)
Minute 2 — 8 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (as quickly as possible)
Minute 3 — 40-60 Double Unders (or 8-12 Calorie Ski)
Minute 4 — 20 Second Side Plank each side

C. Cooldown and FYF!


Against a 30-minute clock:
Bike Erg for as many Meters as possible

*Every 3 minutes, complete:
Odd Intervals: 10 Burpees
Even Intervals: 15/10 Calorie Row


Saturday 2.10.2024


Thursday 2.8.2024