Saturday 11.13.2021

*Sweatshirt Pre-Sale is going on NOW. Check them out here!


In teams of two, complete three rounds for time of:
600 Meter Run (partners must both complete before moving on)
50 Kettlebell Swings
40 Goblet Squats
30 Burpees

Partners may split the reps between them however they choose, but only one partner may be working at a time – except on the run, which must be completed by both partners before moving forward in the workout.

Partners can opt to Row, Ski, or Bike (1200 Meters) in place of the Run, and each partner can choose their own option.


In teams of two, complete three rounds for time of:
600 Meter Run (partners must both complete before moving on)
50 Power Snatches (75/55 lb)
40 Overhead Squats (75/55 lb)
30 Bar-Facing Burpees

Partners may split the reps between them however they choose, but only one partner may be working at a time – except on the run, which must be completed by both partners before moving forward in the workout.

Partners can opt to Row, Ski, or Bike (1200 Meters) in place of the Run, and each partner can choose their own option.


Three sets (9 minutes) on a Bike Erg or Echo Bike:
40 Seconds @75% (moderate)
20 Seconds @recovery pace
30 Seconds @85% (tough)
30 Seconds @recovery pace
20 Seconds @95% (very tough)
Rest walk 40 seconds

Rest 2 minutes, then…

Six sets (9 minutes) of:
30 Seconds of Ski or Row
30 Seconds of Burpees
Rest 30 seconds

Rest 2 minutes, then…

Three sets (9 minutes) on a Bike Erg or Echo Bike:
40 Seconds @75% (moderate)
20 Seconds @recovery pace
30 Seconds @85% (tough)
30 Seconds @recovery pace
20 Seconds @95% (very tough)
Rest walk 40 seconds
**Try to get the same total calories (or more) than you did the first time through


Row, Run, or Ski
200 Meters @easy pace
200 Meters @moderate
200 Meters @easy pace
200 Meters @fast pace
Rest 3 minutes
x 5-6 sets

*If using the C2 Bike, double the distances.


Monday 11.15.2021


Friday 11.12.2021