Thursday 4.13.2023
*Coach’s Notes: Gymnastics Skill Work
Consider today’s Part A an opportunity to work on some skills and positions, without the pressure of having to move quickly, or achieve a certain level of effort. While there are prescriptions here to help guide, don’t let that limit you if would like to practice other movements during this time (ie. Toes to Bar, Double-Unders, etc.)
A. Three sets, not for time, of:
Handstand Work x 40-60 seconds
(freestanding, hs walks, against the wall, etc.)
Rest as needed
Pull-up/Hanging Work x 40-60 seconds
(strict or assisted pull-ups, kipping, etc.)
Rest as needed
Single Leg Squatting Work x 40-60 seconds
(pistols or progressions)
Rest as needed
B. Every 4 minutes, for 24 minutes (6 sets):
150/120 Meter Ski
120-ft Farmers Carry
300/240 Meter Bike Erg
6 Burpees to a 6" target
*Compare to 9.6.2022
Every 5 minutes, for 45 minutes (3 sets) for times:
*Station 1 – 1800/1500 Meter Bike Erg
*Station 2 – 450/375 Meter Ski + 450/375 Meter Row
*Station 3 – Three rounds of:
8 Ring Rows
16 Walking Lunges (unweighted) or Low Step-Ups
24 Second Plank Hold
Note your times to complete each station, with the goal of consistent times for each set.