New Training Cycle Starts This Week!

Starting this Monday (9/18), we are beginning a new, 9-week block of programming for both our "Fitness" and "Performance" tracks (for more general background on how/why we structure our training, check out the post from our last cycle).

In terms of structure, this cycle will be similar to the last one (pairing squatting with upper pulling, and hinging with pressing, for instance), but with a focus on different movements.

Program Skeleton

If you’re someone that likes to plan ahead, here is how the upcoming cycle will look from a day-to-day perspective:

Day 1 - Front Squat + Upper Pulling
Day 2 - Bench Press Variations + Hinge Accessory
Day 3 - Power Clean + MAP (Aerobic Intervals)
Day 4 - Split Squat + Upper Pulling
Day 5 - Sumo Deadlift + Vertical Pressing
Day 6 - Gymnastics Skill / Conditioning
Day 7 - Snatch
Day 8 - Upper PUMP / Conditioning

As always, if you have any questions about our programs, or if you’d like to talk about your specific goals for the coming months or years, please reach out to either myself directly (, or speak with any of your coaches!


Monday 9.18.2023


Saturday 9.16.2023