Wednesday 8.14.2024

*Program note: This week is a transition week into our next training cycle, which starts Monday, August 19th. Use this week to recover a bit from the last couple of (heavier) weeks, and have some fun exploring different movements!


A. Three sets of:
Supinated Grip Barbell Bent Over Row x 8-10 reps @ 21X0
Rest 30 seconds
Tall Kneeling Banded Pallof Press x 10-12 reps each side @ 11X1
Rest 30 seconds
Weighted Flutter Kicks x 30-40 seconds
Rest 60 seconds

Perform 1-2 warm-up sets on the Bent Over Row, and aim to perform your working sets at a 7-8/10 RPE

B. Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets), for times:
200/150 Meter Row (60-second cap here)
8-12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
6-9 Burpees

Your goal should be to complete all 6 sets in a similar timeframe, having, at a minimum, 45 seconds of rest between sets.


A. Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Hang Power Clean + Power Clean

Sets 1-2: Light
Sets 3-4: Moderate
Sets 5-6: Moderate-Heavy
Sets 7-8: Heavy

B. Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets), for times:
200/150 Meter Row (60-second cap here)
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
9 Burpees

Your goal should be to complete all 6 sets in a similar timeframe, having, at a minimum, 45 seconds of rest between sets.
Compare to 7.26.2023


Eight sets of:
Run/Row/Bike 1 minute @ 85% aerobic effort
Rest walk 1 minute

Rest 2-3 minutes, then...

Eight sets of:
Run/Row/Bike 1 minute @ 85% aerobic effort
Rest walk 1 minute


Thursday 8.15.2024


Tuesday 8.13.2024