Thursday 7.22.2021
A. Three sets of:
Single Arm Kettlebell Overhead Walking Lunge x 6-8 reps each arm
Rest 30 seconds
Plank Kettlebell Drag Throughs x 12-16 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Flutter Kicks x 30-40 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
B. Every minute, for 24 minutes (4 sets of each):
Minute 1 -- 1-2 Rope Climbs or 4-6 Mixed Grip Strict Pull-ups @31X1 (switch grip each set)
Minute 2 -- 100-ft Sandbag Carry
Minute 3 -- 10-12 Dumbbell or Kettlebell Bench Press
Minute 4 -- 20-24 Banded Pull Aparts
Minute 5 -- 60 Seconds of Double-Unders (or Jump Rope practice)
Minute 6 -- Rest
A. Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Hang Snatch + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat @ 40-60% of 1-RM Snatch
*These should be LIGHT, with the focus on perfect technique. If you do not feel comfortable bringing the bar back down for the Snatch Balance, then complete 2 Overhead Squats instead.
B. Every minute, for 24 minutes (4 sets of each):
Minute 1 -- 1-2 Rope Climbs or 4-6 Mixed Grip Strict Pull-ups @31X1 (switch grip each set)
Minute 2 -- 100-ft Sandbag Carry
Minute 3 -- 10-12 Dumbbell or Kettlebell Bench Press
Minute 4 -- 20-24 Banded Pull Aparts
Minute 5 -- 60 Seconds of Double-Unders
Minute 6 -- Rest