Wednesday 6.29.2022
“FITNESS” & “Performance”
A. Three sets of:
Turkish Get Up x 1-2 reps each arm
Rest as needed
Powell Raise x 8-10 reps each arm @ 30X0
Rest as needed
*Goal is to establish a 1-RM Turkish Get Up by your third set -- IF you feel confident in this movement. If not, perform 2 reps each set, slowly and with control, focusing on each step along the way.
B. Take 12 minutes to establish a 3-RM Tempo Bench Press @ 21X1
*Be STRICT on your tempo - this lift has a 1-second pause at the bottom and top of each rep.
C. Against a 60-second running clock, complete:
120-ft Sandbag Carry
Echo Bike x Max Calories
Rest 60 seconds between sets, and complete a total of 5 sets for max calories on the Echo Bike.
6 Minutes @85-90% effort:
8/6 Calorie Ski
8/6 Calorie Row
8/6 Calorie Bike
Rest walk 2 minutes
x 3-5 sets