New Training Cycle Starts Today!
Starting this Monday (6/26), we are beginning a new, 12-week block of programming for both our "Fitness" and "Performance" tracks. The first thing that I would like everyone to understand is this: you don’t NEED to know why we are doing certain things for them to be effective. If you show up consistently (3x/week for Fitness, 4-5x/week for Performance), eat a healthy diet, and try to move around often in the rest of your life, you will be good to get fitter, feel better, and increase your overall health and longevity. In fact, you don’t even have to read any further if you don’t want to….just come in and work hard.
However, we find that people give their best effort, and stick with things longer when they know that there is an underlying purpose to what they are doing, and have achievable goals in front of them. At Full Range, one of the most important, consistent goals across all of our programming is to increase functional strength and capacity. And so, we have always programmed resistance training that is progressive in nature, and helps folks handle heavier loads, more comfortably, over time. This will always be the case for us, and we have had great success with a lot people, for many years, by adhering to these principles.
And, while we often find it works best in our group training to do an ongoing, “concurrent” periodization structure (meaning that we work on a lot of things at once, and may be at different stages of progression for certain movements at any given time), we will also, from time to time, do a more traditional “block” periodization, and build on a number of movements over an 8- to 12-week period.
For this coming cycle, we will be doing the latter, and re-testing all of our main movements at the end.
Program Skeleton
If you’re someone that likes to plan ahead, here is how the upcoming cycle will look from a day-to-day perspective. This may look familiar to you if you’ve been with us for long enough:
Day 1 - Back Squat + Upper Pulling
Day 2 - Push Press + Hinge Accessory
Day 3 - Snatch + MAP (Aerobic Intervals)
Day 4 - Front Squat + Upper Gymnastics
Day 5 - Deadlift + Horizontal Pressing
Day 6 - Single Leg + MAP
Day 7 - Clean & Jerk
Day 8 - Gymnastics + Conditioning
Then, the cycle will start again at Day 1. Since we don’t program workouts on Sundays, this means that Day 1 (Back Squatting) this week will fall on Monday, next week fall on Wednesday, and the following week happen on Friday; Week 4 will see no Back Squatting, then it will return again the following Monday (and the order of days will repeat itself).
For the visual learners out there
If you miss a day, you can always try to make it up (or at least the strength work) later in the week, and we are always down to help you figure out which days might work best.
What do YOU need to do? Again, showing up is #1, along with the other good lifestyle practices that we normally espouse (eat well, get sleep, de-stress each day in some way). Besides that, keeping track of your results is the best thing you can do, in order to progress over the weeks and months, as well as to know where you are strong, and where you need to focus on improving. If you haven’t done so yet, download the SugarWOD app on your iPhone or Android, and join our online community there. You can easily look back on past performances, and can keep notes on how you felt that day as well.
And, while we are looking to build a good foundation of strength, stability, and mobility through lifting and bodyweight movements, we will still be doing conditioning workouts, to help you all create more efficient energy pathways, burn fat, and increase your overall work capacity. Nothing is changing there.
As always, if you have any questions about our programs, or if you’d like to talk about your specific goals for the coming months or years, please reach out to either myself directly (, or speak with any of your coaches.