Tuesday 8.17.2021
A. Three sets of:
45 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-ups (or Alternating Dumbbell or Kettlebell Z-Press)
Rest 45 seconds
45 seconds of Double-Unders (or Jump Rope Practice)
Rest 45 seconds
45 seconds of Strict Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups
Rest 45 seconds
45 seconds of Hollow Hold/Rocks
Rest 45 seconds
B. Against a 90-second clock, complete:
200/150 Meter Row
Echo Bike x Max Calories in Remaining time
Rest 90 seconds between sets, and complete SIX sets for max calories. Your goal is to maintain your output over all six efforts.
Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes (10 sets of each):
Minute 1 -- 30 Second Ski @85-90%
Minute 2 -- 30 Second Row @85-90%
Minute 3 -- 30 Second Bike @85-90%